Jee Hyun Park
Jee Hyun Park - Musical English Instructor
I’ve been teaching Musical English for more than 20 years.
It has been a great opportunity to have ME as such an important part of my life! Musical English and its varied programs have fulfilled my life in so many countless ways. Musical English allows me to center my life around what I most enjoy doing, which is teaching kids, and my work always makes me so happy and joyful each and every day!!.
I think teaching is learning. Even though my career in ME is well over 20 years, I am still learning and growing because of the great ME teacher’s training program that Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard have compiled!! I am so proud of being a ME instructor because it is well known that ME leads the educational field in presenting us with the very best ways of teaching, and continually updates us on the most highly developed teaching skills. This type of continuous upgrading of our teaching skills and methodology is only found in Musical English, and is unparalleled anywhere else in the educational world.
My students are so accustomed to doing role play acting and because of that many English expressions are just pop out of their mouths in a very natural way. It truly makes even me astonished!
My students always anxiously wait for ME class and me^^ (myself). When they are learning ME they appear to be having the happiest time ever in their lives. It makes me feel like I become an idol star and I am providing them with the time of their lives!!
The parents are thrilled with the ME programs because they can see for themselves that their kids are so eager to review what they learned in the Musical English classes when they get home, by listening to the CD, repeating after the CD, singing, dancing and acting with the books and CDs. The principal of our kindergarten has been using the ME programs for over 20 years. Still, she doesn’t have any desire to find a substitute for Musical English. She already knows that she has the best in Musical English, so her search is over!
Through the many ME program children can learn everyday English very effectively because of the amazing theories behind the creation of the songs, dance and role-play-acting. While they are learning ME their IQ and multi-aptitudes are being developed at the same time.
I have seen many cases in which ME increases children's self-esteem and actively develops their personalities. Everybody can be Snow White, Aladdin, Peter Pan, etc. As a result, I realized how important and impactful the teaching method is.
The semiannual performances of ME always are the most wonderful memories of my life. I believe my children and their parents will never forget the memories of the ME performances, as well.
ME really comforted me when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. My children’s joy and laughter while learning Musical English really saved me. I want to give thanks to God that I could meet ME in my life. Musical English has truly been a blessing in my life and the lives of all of my students over these many years!! Thank you, Musical English!!!

Grace Kim
Musical English Instructor
I am a proud instructor of Musical English and usually, my Musical English classes start after lunch. That would normally mean that my students should be burdened with a full stomach and should be tired. However, my students always participate in our Musical English classes very actively. The songs, dances, and stories of Musical English always motivate the children to enthusiastically join in the classes.
Musical English songs and chants let the children learn vocabularies and sentences through repetition and motions. That is one of the keys to why children can understand and memorize them very easily. I am so happy and proud to teach Musical English because Musical English is such a fun and brilliant program.

Soo Hee Kim
Musical English Instructor
I have proudly been teaching Musical English for the past 21 years! Musical English has provided me the happiest moments of my life!! Musical English has filled my heart and the hearts of my students with countless beautiful memories. Musical English doesn't need any added ingredients, it is already the most delicious food ready to be devoured and enjoyed!!!

Gee Taek Lee
Professor of English Education, Hangook Foreign Language Studies University Seoul, South Korea
I have been teaching in the fields of English and English education as a university professor for more than forty years. During that time little has changed in the mainstream approach of how to go about the task of education in general. We rarely come across anything that drastically changes the way that instructors on any level can better deliver the subject matter to the students. One of the main problems is that as teachers we are not program developers, we are instructors of the information that is found in the materials that we have to teach with. The programs and systems of education are pretty much static and do not vary from the traditional styles of teaching. We simply do not come across totally new approaches and theories of education because what would be required are fundamental changes to the education systems. Given the obstacles to creating new ways of instruction, the old ways are usually followed simply because they are convenient.
I have been extremely fortunate to have closely observed the work of two extraordinary individuals, Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard, who have been my colleagues at two leading universities in the Republic of Korea. They are two dedicated educators who have made it their mission to develop new theories of education and create effective programs that are based on the theories they have created: 1. TBE. 2. THE. 3. SALT.
My wife and I have been able to observe personally the success and impact of their work since our two daughters became enthralled with the books and CDs from Musical English. We were truly shocked at the speed and proficiency in English with which both of our young girls were able to develop on their own by learning the songs and dialogues from these books! They were both not only able to progress with their verbal skills, they mastered reading and writing skills, as well. This was all without any assistance from me or my wife. My wife and I could not believe the impact and real effectiveness that these programs produced in our own children! It was truly eye opening.
The myriad of works that they have created for their Musical English programs range from; everyday conversation, storytelling, performances, rhythm phonics, mommy & baby, and beyond. I know that their company, Jimini World, has taught well over 3 million young children in Korea. The positive effects of their work are far reaching and will have a wonderful ripple effect far into the future.
I am pleased to be able to offer this testament to the outstanding quality of these two individuals, Professors James Hubbard and Minnie Park.

Judy Yang
Proud Mother and Musical English Teacher
I am an instructor of Musical English. I first met Musical English through the special activity held at my daughter’s kindergarten. She learned and performed in the Musical English performance of Jungle Book. Even though I never once helped her to memorize the lines, she had already memorized all of her lines, as well as the lines of all the other students. I was astonished!! For her learning Musical English was not a burden but a fun hobby!!
After becoming an instructor of Musical English, I understood the reasons why my daughter absorbed all of the skills that allowed her and her classmates to perform so that well. It was because of the powerful, creative and efficient curriculum, along with the excellent teachers' training program. All of the content of the Musical English programs is made with everyday English expressions. So learning, especially learning language, is a breeze!!
What other kind of subject makes students so happy when they learn? Musical English makes the students happy, as well as making the teachers proud and fulfilled. I think that this comes directly from the power of the music, the core of the Musical English programs.
I strongly recommend Musical English for all young learners, the world over. They learn English, music, dancing, acting all at the same time!! What can beat that!!!

Joy Jee
I am a mother to three daughters and they all grew up with Musical English. They had great experiences participating in children’s programs, dancing and singing on the stage in full costumes. Two of them are currently working in the entertainment industry and the other one is an active influencer on Instagram. All three of them learned their professional performance and communication skills along with their critical thinking ability from the Musical English programs. Personally, I worked have done a lot of work in church youth ministry and I have always used the Musical English songs and programs to successfully capture the children’s attention and help them to grow in their educational pursuits. As a mother of three and a dedicated church worker, I love Musical English and highly recommend it for hungry little souls and minds the world over!!!

Jessica Cho
Musical English Instructor | March 15th 2020
My name is Jessica. I am an instructor of Musical English. If I were a mom, I would make sure to choose Musical English as one of the essential subjects for my kids because I am so positive that the Musical English programs improve English competence as well as many educational skills students need to learn. Musical English develops in children good habits and essential skills, while increasing multiple intelligences and aptitudes. The parents of my students always mention how impressive it is to see the real improvements their children achieve through the various Musical English classes.
Especially, the benefits of the Musical Performances are very powerful. Through the Musical Performances children learn cooperation and responsibility. They learn how to achieve goals. They allow the students to achieve success and create wonderful life long memories!!

Hans Choi
Parent of Musical English Student | March 11th 2020
My name is Hans. My daughter loves to sing and dance. When she first stated learning Musical English, she was like a fish in the ocean. However, I worried about her Musical Performance because she had never had any experience performing in public. Indeed, thanks to the Musical English Programs she performed brilliantly on the stage! My wife and I were really amazed!! I know that it was thanks to the benefits of the Musical English programs and how well they are created. It is also due to the great training that Jimini World provides to the well trained teachers.
I greatly appreciate the Musical English programs and the wonderful growth that our daughter experiences through them!!

Gabe Segoine
Professor and proud Musical English parent
I was asked to help a local Korean youth group improve their English for a play they were putting on at their church. It was a stage musical of Noah’s Ark by Musical English. I was amazed at how well the kids were able to act, sing and dance the story, and how well they understood the meanings of the dialogue and the lyrics. My job was to simply help them with their pronunciation.By show time, they were practiced and ready. The church reported that it was the best performance they had ever put on, in either Korean or English language. I was happy to do my part in making it successful, but it could not have happened without the high quality materials and teaching from Musical English.
I was so impressed with the Musical English programs and the teaching methodology that I contacted the creators of the program, Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard. I asked them for advise of how I could procure the materials of their programs myself. I was home schooling our three young daughters and I wanted to include the Musical English programs into their school work. Our three daughters loved the new additions to their school work! Upon seeing their positive reactions, I immediately made many of the Musical English programs a central part of our daughters' core curriculum. Our daughters thrived under the lessons that they learned from the Musical English programs! The positive influence that Musical English had on our three growing daughters' education was profound, to say the least. Musical English education changed our daughters in such a wonderful way and gave them the creative sparks they needed to grow and reach their full potential. Our family is forever grateful to Musical English for having been such a tremendous influence on our lives!!!

Eun Young Shim
Musical English Trainer
I have been closely connected with Musical English since 2003, when I first started this on wonderful journey as a Musical English teacher. During that period of time I have been blessed to have been able to teach literally thousands of young children in the many various programs that are offered through Musical English. Currently, along with continuing to teach many young children, I am also an instructor for teachers within the Musical English world. By utilizing the well laid out methods that are included in the teaching instructions and guidelines developed by Jiminiworld, the research and development arm of Musical English, I am able to better assist and educate our Musical English teachers. This allows them to bring the absolute best in early childhood education, that only the only Musical English has to offer, to their classes.
The many children and teachers I have met along my path of learning about and instructing Musical English have left me with wonderful memories and experiences! This is especially true when I teach the Little Musical English programs. I am amazed at how the two years old kids’ English competence is improved and how easily they acquire the life skills that are so enjoyably presented in this captivating program of Little Musical English. These life skills are equally developed in native speakers and youngsters who are learning English as a second language. It feels like their brains absorb the lessons as dry sponge absorbs water. Currently, I am educating Musical English teachers to leading early childhood education institutions to teach Musical English classes.
The many children and teachers I met during the Musical English class are episodes for me. Especially when I teach Little Musical English I am amazed the two years old kids’ English competence. It feels like their brain absorb English as sponge absorbs water. Most of our mom teachers can get bonus of their children’s English competence because Mom teachers usually prepare their class with their kids. I remember the Musical English song ‘Musical English Club Song’ was performed in a wedding of one of our teachers.
Kids are always waiting for musical English classes and they are enthusiastic about them. This never changes for 17 years of my teaching life. They are always eager to listen to the CDs of Musical English. This enthusiasm improves speaking skills and surprises parents. A well-designed syllabus provides convenience for teaching teachers and satisfaction for school principals.
The most attractive thing is that musical English is a class led by children.
It is not an infusion education, but a class where children cooperate with each other in a subjective position and make it together with the help of a teacher. Musical English is a class that draws children's inner talents, courage and self-esteem while learning English. I've seen a lot of shy introverted children turn into active and positive children through Musical English. I,myself, also changed to a good mom, a good listener and a very positive person through Musical English. I was born again!!
Musical English is LOVE!!!!

Dong Sook Kim
Musical English Instructor | March 9th 2020
I am an instructor of Musical English and I must be honest and say that all of my students truly love to sing and dance to the songs of Musical English!!
I for a fact that they sing and dance the songs and dances even in their own homes. They love the fun stories, so they read them at home on their own, also!
The core of Musical English is the Songs. They are very fun and addictive.
The preschool and kindergarten students are having fun with Musical English, and the elementary students get interest and grow in confidence and responsibility in their own studying.
ME is like a magic lamp that lights up the brains, minds and hearts of the children!!!

Danielle Segone
Long-term missionary
I was introduced to Musical English at age ten through my parent’s friendship with Jim and Minnie. Much of my childhood was intertwined with the curriculum as I learned how to sing, dance and act from Musical English teachers whom many remain my favorites to this day.
I loved every second of preparation for the musical production! My English improved tremendously, because I loved memorizing the songs and scripts so much.
My very first musical performance was Musical English’s <Aladdin>.
I am eighteen years old now, and pursuing performing arts. Much has changed since my first performance, but I know that the training I received through Musical English set a strong foundation on which I was able to continue building upon.
Five bold stars to Musical English!!
Long-term missionary

Yoon-Jung Kim
President & Owner, Remain Vixmom Kindergarten Seoul, South Korea
I was very impressed with her approach toward teaching and the Musical English programs that she taught the students. I was under the impression that she was a uniquely gifted teacher and that my students were very blessed to have this particular individual as their Musical English teacher. I later found out that nothing could have been further from the truth. I learned that the standards for becoming a Musical English teacher are extremely high. The training follows the strict guidelines for teacher development and classroom instruction that were set in place by the founders of Musical English and Jimini World, Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard. It is universally accepted that Musical English teachers are the most highly qualified and finest teachers in the early childhood education field. I thought that the first Musical English teacher I had come across must have been the rare exception. It turns out that any one of the hundreds of Musical English teachers throughout the country could have taken her place and achieved the same wonderful successes with our children, the Musical English programs and theories are genuinely that effective!!
The musical performances that the children learn and perform are simply amazing and educationally extremely effective! The shy insecure young children really progress and do come out of their shells, and learn to sing, dance and act like experienced musical actors. It was amazing to me to see the change the Musical English brought about in the children, and I was so very happy to see them rejoicing in their individual advancements.
When I opened my own kindergarten 5 years ago, I immediately adopted Musical English Class into my kindergarten’s daily core curriculum because the philosophy of Musical English is what I borrowed from and what I structured our kindergarten’s philosophy around. When I was a kindergarten teacher, I knew that my students were really happy learning Musical English, not the same with other subjects. That’s why I chose to use ‘Musical English’ as a main subject of our kindergarten’s curriculum, so that our children can get the full benefits of the Musical English experience.
I have seen many cases of timid, less expressive children becoming much more confident and creative due to ‘Musical English’. As a result, many parents thank me and encourage me to continue my close association with Musical English. Children do not think of ME as an tedious lesson, but rather as a time to play and a fun learning experience. The singing, dancing and role-playing acting that makes up the ME classes are perfect for kids.
I often hear from mothers that their children listen to the CDs and read the books at home. The children love making the voices of the characters in the dialogue and singing the songs at home, with their brothers, sisters and friends. That is because Musical English is an educational program that leads children to learn, explore and discover by themselves. Through Musical English classes children learn not only English, but also, music, physical activity, expressiveness, confidence, public speaking skills and personality education. They develop valuable skills that will be essential in their personal lives.
Musical English Performance Day is our kindergarten's big festival day that takes place at the end of each semester. All the students and parents anxiously look forward to twice yearly events. All of the parents and grandparents are so happy to watch their children's performances and are proud to see in person the progress their little ones have made. Many parents are moved to tears. Some parents duck walk to the stage and to take pictures of their beaming children.
Each class of Musical English is a feast education and happiness for all the students, parents and teachers.

Professor Gee Suk Cho
English Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Language Studies Seoul, South Korea
Unlike many different fields of study, such as, computer sciences, health, astrophysics, artificial intelligence, living sciences, etc., in the field of education we rarely encounter new research and theories that totally alter the accepted standard approach to doing things. Theories that shake up the norm and introduce radical new ideas about the methodology of how things should be done. I have been tremendously fortunate to have worked alongside two individuals who have achieved this rare feat. Through their theories, Professors James Hubbard and Minnie Park have introduced a startling new manner by which virtually all subject groups can be much more efficiently presented by the instructor and assimilated by the student. They have shattered the existing standards of education by developing new theories concerning the means by which education (information) should be delivered. This delivery system is something that we are all quite familiar with: Music!
Within their theories they have laid out the foundation for how to connect much more effectively to the student in order to increase the retention of the desired subject matter. The three main theories; 1. TBE, 2. THE, 3. SALT, have drastically altered the terrain of education, specifically early childhood education, here in the Republic of Korea. Long ago they alone became the universally recognized standard bearers for the future of education in the world. Professors Hubbard and Park utilized their newly discovered theories to set the groundwork for all of the various Musical English programs that their company, Jimini World, has gone on to create over the years.
I am pleased to be able to offer this testament to the quality of the amazing programs created by these two outstanding educators, Professors James Hubbard and Minnie Park. And I can verify the wonderful results that are garnered from all of the amazing programs that they create through their company, Jimini World. Just as they have done throughout the Republic of Korea, I know that their efforts will continue to educate and inspire countless millions of children throughout the world!!

Kyung Joo Yoon
Chairperson, Departments of English and English Education, Global Cyber University Seoul, South Korea
May I say that as a career university professor and department chair, it is not often that I am so eager to endorse my fellow esteemed colleagues and the the body of work that they have generated as I am in this heartfelt endorsement. I am honored to have been asked to make this statement to endorse the careers of these two revered colleagues, professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard. The contributions that they have made to the field of education through their remarkable theories of TBE, THE, and SALT have been incredible. The publications and broadcasts that have initiated from them through their company Jimini World have had a wonderfully positive effect on more than several million young students. These young children have had their lives and thinking dramatically changed by what they have been able to learn from the efforts of these two educators!
It is not often that we are able to offer true accolades given to those who deep down truly deserve them. But in this case I proudly and sincerely do just that! Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard have dedicated there unique and enormous talents to discovering innovative ways through their ground breaking theories to better the lives of the youth of our world! They have donated considerable time, money, effort and talent to children in many countries of the world, including; Japan, Australia, Vietnam, China, England, Russia, Mongolia, South Korea, United States, and many more.
The company that they founded, Jimini World, is the research and development force that created the nationally renowned and highly regarded programs under the Musical English umbrella. These programs have inspired and taught thousands upon thousands of highly qualified instructors and millions of young hearts and minds throughout the nation. It is because of these two individuals who have taught as professors at many of the leading universities in South Korea, that our university has been able to establish a new core group of studies dedicated to Musical English & Early Childhood Education.
I am honored and proud to submit this heartfelt endorsement of Professors Minnie Park and James Hubbard, and for all of the body of work the have created until now and will continue to create well into the future!!

Hee Yoen Kyee
Mom of Musical English Student
My son, Juwon, has been learning Musical English for 4 years (5~9). Even though he first met Musical English at the young age of 5, he learned efficiently and he even enjoyed learning it, in fact, he loved learning it. Even now, every day when he comes back home, he listens to the CDs and practices tge dialogue, songs and dances all by himself. Musical English songs are composed with various genres of music so that children can experience different styles of music. I strongly believe that all kids should learn English this way. I mean, Musical English is the best English learning program for kids. The climax of the Musical English program are the musical performances. My son was lucky enough to have acted the parts of; Noah, Joseph, Peter Pan, Aladdin and so on, and he really enjoys performing Musical English.
I am so happy to give my son the wonderful memories of Musical English creates for him and I sincerely thank professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park, the creators of Musical English and Jimini World for giving the wonderful gifts of their creations to the youth of the world!!

Jung Nahm Lee
Musical English Instructor
My name is Jung Nahm Lee. I am a longtime Musical English instructor who loves children and likes to spend time with them. While I was looking for a job in which I could utilize my major (Acting), I came across Musical English and became immediately enamored with the ideas and educational theories behind the programs. I’ve proudly been working with Jimini World for about 17 years. I have three lovely daughters who are Musical English maniacs. They always read Musical English books and listen to the CDs. We always travel with Musical English books. They learned how to read and write through the Musical English, Stroytelling and Rhythm Phonics books and CDs.
My students can memorize the sentences very easily because of the construction of the Musical English songs, which are composed be including the particular sentences and phrases that they were going to learn in the lessons.
Many of my students have the experiences of using the expressions which they have learned in my class to communicate with foreigners with whom they meet. It is amazing they can easily and naturally utilize the expressions which they learn in my Musical English Class. Their number one topic of discussion at home is Musical English class and me (their teacher). They eagerly review the songs and dances voluntarily when they go back to their homes. So, the parents are very curious about who am I and what is this magical power that I possess that makes their children want to learn so happily. The answer is quite simple, it is the secret of the Musical English programs! Many times I cannot finish my class because the students don’t want to stop learning Musical English.
Most of the principals of kindergartens agree with my thinking that children are supposed to primarily learn not by studying, but by playing.
Through Musical English children can come across a variety of genres of music. Musical English is doing something that typical schools and programs cannot do. The clear advantages of Musical English are emotionally good and educationally fundamentally sound for children.
Musical English not only eliminates the kids’ disapproval of learning a new language, English, but also gives them the enjoyable opportunity to become familiar with English in a fun manner. This individual success instills a great sense of confidence and achievement in each child! Musical English contributes to the development and growth of children's aptitudes, presentation skills, creativity and expression. That's why I think Musical English is the most suitable educational learning program for young kids.
Most classes are not passive and are taught with active student participation.
I feel like I am discovering jewels from deep inside them whenever they project new found skills. I am always surprised when they show me these changes that Musical English evokes. Children can gain the sense of responsibility, the sense of cooperation and the sense of accomplishment through the Musical English performances.
At the end of the performances, students become more attached to the English class, making it easier for them and allows them to be more motivated to expand to other English classes (such as phonics or private institutes); and also assists them to become much more self-directed and committed to their own learning experiences!

Jung Hye Shin
Musical English Instructor
I'm Jung Hye Shin, a 16-year instructor of Musical English. After taking a Musical English instructor training class at a department store cultural center more than 16 years ago, I've proudly been a Musical English instructor ever since. Prior to taking that course, I had been studying in France into my mid 30's. When I returned home to South Korea, I brought some educational books for children, such as, French national musicals on DVD's and theater instruction. My hope had been to teach young children by using musicals and theater type instruction. The real difficulty was that there were no consolidated programs out there with which to teach children. Only bits and pieces of songs and plays that were not designed for educational purposes.
It was kind of destiny for me to find the Musical English teachers training program. The first classes I attended were home-visit classes: 1: 1, or a small group, so I couldn't really appreciate the joy of teaching Musical English. When I met Professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park at the teacher’s training, I asked them to give me a chance to teach ME and they kindly let me teach Musical Bible Study in a church. That was the beginning of my ME life.
The children I teach are so fond of Musical English. Sometimes there are some kids who don’t like to dance and sing, but they soon come out of their shells and quickly learn to love Musical English Storytelling and Role Play Acting. The parents also love the effects they see reflected in their children. I have received many thankful letters from parents expressing their sincere gratitude to me for teaching their children these life changing courses. They know that their children have successfully completed their tasks very well and have gained knowledge and confidence through learning in the classes while preparing for the performances.
There are many advantages to Musical English, but if I have to pick only one it is the 'Song & Dance' component of Musical English. The songs and dancing are so fun and easy that my students can learn them and present them right away. Every time I teach the children the songs and dances the songs continue to play over and over again in my brain. The Musical English songs keep popping up. They are so addictive that kids cannot help to memorize them. So powerful and so effective! Professors Jim & Minnie’s choreographies are really amazing. They are so fun and most of them directly reflect the meaning of the words and sentences. Especially when the two Professors compose and write the songs and lessons, they take great care to formulate each lesson according to the characteristics of language. This can be explained by the SALT (Song And Language are Twins) theory, one of the 3 main theories that they formulated in making Musical English.
If I hadn't been a Musical English instructor, I wouldn't have tried to continue developing my fitness, dance, or vocal skills like I do now. One of my wonderful discoveries through ME is that I found my talent of acting.
My students like my acting veeeery much!!
Thank you, Musical English & Jimini World!!

In Sook Song
English & Early Childhood Education Professor, Global Cyber University
My name is Professor In Sook Song and I am currently teaching the Musical English childhood teachers degree programs at Global Cyber University. Professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park initially started these classes and taught them for 5 years. They then gave me the opportunity to teach some of these courses to our university students, and that has opened my eyes to allow me to drastically alter my understandings of how early childhood education must be approached and delivered to our young students.
Thanks to the well organized teacher’s training programs that they both have developed, it has been very convenient for me to give impactful lectures to my university students.
I have found that the Musical English Programs created by and based on the original theories of education made by Professors James Hubbard and Minnie Park, are truly revolutionary! Their programs are head and shoulders above any language, musical, and early childhood education program I have ever encountered. There is nothing comparable with this early childhood educational musical program that they have developed.
The first reason for this are the educational theories they formulated upon which their entire programs are based. The second important point is the quality of music. The effective, dynamic and magnificent performing music of the Musical English programs is above equal and on a level that no one can imitate. It is a wonderful mixture of Disney and Sesame Street. Musical English has changed my understanding of children's musical and early childhood education. I’ve tasted the new world of children's music, and I swear by it!
I have attended five national English education seminars and colloquiums for university professors, and have presented Musical English at each of them. The reaction has always been so very positive and tremendously rewarding.
Everybody loves Musical English!!

Hae Nahm Lee
Principal, Butler Language Institute
I first came across the Musical English Program, which was developed by Professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park, when I was running a large kindergarten in Seoul, South Korea. I had heard numerous good things about the Musical English programs from many fellow principals and educators. I decided to use the ‘Musical English’ programs after I closely examined the textbooks, audio CDs and DVDs of the many various programs that are offered. The videos that I saw of the children’s Musical English performances given by many school children throughout the country were utterly amazing to me. As a professional educator, I had never seen anything that could compare with the wonderful results that come from the programs created by Professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park.
I immediately adopted the full complement of programs offered by Jimini World. Right away I noticed that our students were thoroughly enjoying the learning process! They were learning English while they were singing, acting and dancing. With these programs the students don’t think they are studying, but they are playing and having fun, while learning and acquiring new skills at the same time.
When they attend Musical English classes for the first time, most students are actively motivated to sing, dance and act, but, some shy introverted students are too embarrassed to be involved. However, as time goes by they too become eager to be the main characters of the musical performance. As the principal of a kindergarten, I am so pleased when I see beaming faces of the parents of our students and hear the compliments they give me for having taught their children the Musical English programs. The results of Musical English learning are presented in the musical performances which allow our children to shine! The well trained Musical English instructors are experts in teaching children. I believe the reason is not only due to Jimini World’s well designed teachers training program, but, also because of the fun and active Musical English programs Jimini World has formulated.
Even though I have been an educator for many years, when I look back and think of the wonderful memories of Musical English - The performances of musicals like Snow White, Peter Pan, Jungle Book, Aladdin etc. - those memories are the best in my life.
Thank you, Musical English & Jimini World!!

Eun Kyung Shim
Chairman, Eastern Children's Choir
I am the mom of one of the members of the Eastern Choir. The Eastern Choir was established in 2010. All of the members are 4~8 year adopted orphan children.
We, mothers, were looking for an instructor who can teach our kids musical
theater. So, we prayed together and God sent us missionary professors Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park. They donated their talent, materials, expertise and taught our children. When we met them for the first time, we were astonished because Missionary Jim spoke in Korean fluently to our kids. This showed us that the way in which he went about learning the Korean language was the way for our children to be educated in English, as well. The theories of education that Missionaries Jim Hubbard and Minnie Park developed immediately showed very positive results in our children. The improvement across the board in our children was nothing short of miraculous! The only difficulty was that everyone wanted to be the main lead character. So, sometimes we appointed 9 Noah’s, one for each of the 9 scenes, for example.
While learning Musical English our children’s overall English skills improved dramatically.
The two Missionaries always started the classes with prayers and finished the classes with prayers. This, along with the wonderful lessons that the classes taught, left wonderful impressions on our young children's heart, minds and souls.
My daughter (Now she is a teenager.) and the other children loved Missionaries Jim and Minnie so much because they both always showed their true love to the children. She is so proud that she learned Musical English and sometimes we talk about the wonderful memories and remember the good times that Musical English and Musical Bible brought us! Even now my daughter and I enjoy singing the songs of Musical English and Musical Bible. Thanks to Musical English she has a high level of musical intelligence, she knows how to vocalize, she has wonderful confidence and presentation skills, and has seen the clear improvement of all types of intellectual aptitudes.
Missionary Minnie always prepared wonderful costumes and did make up for our kids’ performances. Even though the performances were performed by young children, the quality of stage music, stage props and costumes were always exceptional.
As the Korean saying goes, Musical English can capture more than two rabbits at the same time!! I extend my eternal thanks to Jimini World for the two of you creating Musical English and Musical Bible. You do not know how many souls and minds you have changed for the good!!!

Eun Hee Kim
Education Director, Las Vegas Fellowship Church
I am the wife of the pastor and the director of education for the Fellowship Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The children of our church are learning musical theater and Musical Bible through the Musical English programs which were developed by Jimini World. The songs and dances of Musical English and Musical Bible Study are so fun and easy to memorize for the children. Even 3 years old kids can follow the songs and dances. This program can be adopted for children from the age 3 up to the age 12. Through this program, children are developing their confidence, creativity and public speaking skills. I’ve seen many passive quiet children turn into active involved children by learning these programs. I firmly believe that the Musical English programs positively effects children’s intelligence.
I really want to introduce this program children all over the world.

Ah Rah Lee
Musical English Instructor
My name is Ah Rah Lee. I am an instructor of Musical English. It was because of one of my best friends that I was introduced to and started to teach Musical English in several kindergartens many years ago. Through her recommendation, three of my other close friends had already become Musical English teachers. They loved their work and were so proud of the fact that they were helping educate so many young minds and hearts that I was a little envious and quite curious. Every time we met they always talked to me about Musical English programs they taught and their lovely students. I really wanted to be involved in what they were doing and their experiences. So I decided to get enroll in the Musical English teachers’ training program.
As a single mom, I find that Musical English teaching fits me very well. I can work while my son is in kindergarten. Now I am teaching Musical English in my son’s kindergarten.
It is my pleasure to see my students learn, practice and perform happily and wonderfully. It is also so rewarding to me to see their parents be so thrilled to be able to evaluate and see for themselves the real progress of the children through these musical performances. Because even shy inactive students are involved in the class very actively, the parents and principals are very happy and glad with the advancement of all of the students.
I like the songs and acting dialogues of the Musical English programs just as much as my students like them. The students do not think of my classes as studying, but, playing. I am amazed when they repeat the sentences they learn in the Musical English classes very naturally and fluently. They might be geniuses, but I tend to think it is the effectiveness of the Musical English programs I am teaching them.
One more personal benefit of teaching the Musical English programs is that I feel that I am not getting any older because I am spending my time singing, acting and dancing with my students. When I teach them I feel like I am one of their friends.
Musical English and Jimini World changes my life and the lives of each of my students!! We love Musical English!!!