
4 06, 2016
  • Get Your Children to Read Put in a Reading Movie - Musical English - early childhood development program

Get Your Children to Read: Put in a ‘Reading Movie’

Today, children are more interested in television, video games and chatting on the Internet than they are in reading. Many parents probably would say, in fact, that getting a child to pick up a book is a significant challenge. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Education, children spend an average of four to

2 06, 2016
  • Game, Contest Teach Children Practical Life Skills - Musical English - early childhood development program

Game, Contest Teach Children Practical Life Skills

In school, children learn about history, science and the three R's. What they might not learn, however, are practical skills to get them through life's ups and downs. Most people learn how to deal with conflicts, face their fears, overcome challenges and solve problems by trial and error. Thus, parents might be at a loss

31 05, 2016
  • Flying With Your Children - Musical English - early childhood development program

Flying With Your Children

When traveling with children on an airplane, being prepared is the best way to overcome the stress and frustration that can accompany air travel. While most kids behave when on long flights, if your child is prone to tantrums, you may want to consider another mode of travel. Keeping your children in their seats and

28 05, 2016
  • Don't jump to judgement on introvert - Musical English - early childhood development program

Don’t jump to judgement on introverted children!

We all worry about our children. There are an abundance of problems in society that produce a number of sociological disorders, as well as physical conditions which we are all at a loss to understand or explain. With the prevalence of autism, ADHD and child abuse, it is easy to fear the worst when we

26 05, 2016
  • Children's Books, Child's First Introduction To The World Of Print - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children’s Books, Child’s First Introduction To The World Of Print

Board books are often a child's first introduction to the world of print. Designed with infants and toddlers in mind, these specialty children's books are chunky, with thick, study pages perfect for a young child's exploring touch. Like most children's books, board books are usually labeled with a target age range by the publisher. Board

24 05, 2016
  • Children’s Vitamins - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children’s Vitamins

Many parents are concerned that their children do not consume the proper foods they need to stay strong and healthy. The truth is children can be picky eaters. Some children will go through stages where they will refuse to eat anything other than a favorite food, while other children will try new foods, but do

21 05, 2016
  • Children Need Vitamins - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children Need Vitamins

We all want our children to grow healthy and to as much as possible be protected from acquiring diseases and infections. As much as adults need a well balanced diet to obtain the essential vitamins needed by the body so much more is the need for children who are still growing and in a development

19 05, 2016
  • Children Can Keep Learning While On Vacation - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children Can Keep Learning While On Vacation

The phrase "use it or lose it" may describe the way many students deal with new information. Experts say that within 24 to 48 hours after learning new concepts, students often begin to forget information. Although a vacation from school is great for recharging your children's batteries, it can often offset the learning process. The

17 05, 2016
  • Children And Their Puppets - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children And Their Puppets

Definition tells us a puppet is a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer. Ironically, a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone is also referred to as a puppet. Puppets: The Finest Dolls Puppets are finest because they

14 05, 2016
  • Children and Head Lice - Musical English - early childhood development program

Children and Head Lice

Children are especially susceptible to head lice for a few different reasons. Children tend to have closer physical contact with other children, more so than adults have with each other; in addition, they also have a habit of sharing personal items with each other, such as brushes and hats. Aside from these reasons, children also